Ahhh...we finally arrive in Beijing! All of the other families flew United and all had a 6 to 7 hour delay as well. Everyone was exhausted but happy to be in their hotel.
View from our hotel room.
Nick making himself at home. Thank goodness we brought along his DVD player! It was a like having a little piece of home.
This is George. He was our Tour Guide from our Adoption Agency, CCAI. He was our life line through out the trip.

This was our very first ricshaw ride in old Beijing. It was a bit scary at times because the road ways did not seem to fit everyone, but it always seemed to work! We saw some very lovely scenery on the way. The ricshaw drivers smoked or either fanned them selves while the drove/pedeled!
George explaining the reasoning of door markers in front of homes. I heard nothing. I was so busy looking around, recovering from jet lag, making sure Nick did not pick up something from the street and making sure my hubby did not wonder off on his own taking pictures.
We were aloud to tour a typical old Beijing home. The owner of the home was an artist and allowed us to tour his home and studio. It was very cool!
This was a photo of the family's court yard. You can see the other adoption families looking around...can you find Teddy taking pictures?

Nick and the other kids are checking out the pet grasshopper sitting outside the enterence of their home. I'm sure it had something to do with good luck, but the kids just thought it was neat to see him up close and listen to him. He was REALLY noisy!

This is inside one of the bedrooms.
This was inside the art studio. He did beautiful work!
This is Nick with his new friend, Lily! She was adopted from China almost 3 years ago, and now her parents are back to adopt a sister for her! Her and Nick had matched energy! Watch out China!
We took a tour of a silk mill which was very interesting! Bought Riley a silk dress for her to wear when she's older. Ted has LOTS of photos, so I hope to add more later.
George took us to an authentic Chinese Restaurant, and ordered some yummy food for us....it was something that was considered safe eating for us tourists.
We visited Tienanmen Square, but by this time everyone was completely exhausted!!! It was a vast open space. The pictures here show a not so crowded area, but once we got closer there were too many people to take a picture. Plus, it was unbelievably HOT! The kids were so tired. It was well past nap time, and everyone was worried about heat exhaustion that we all asked our guide if we could cut it short.